Student Solution


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Discussion 15_U.S. History up to 1877

Discussion 15_U.S. History up to 1877

Q After the Civil War, the South was a mess. Parts of the South were badly damaged, its economic system was dismantled, and many Southerners were angry about what they saw as a Northern invasion. Given the circumstances (and racial attitudes) of that time, do you think that Radical Republicans in the North had any realistic hope of helping former slaves in the South successfully transition to their new lives? If yes, what could the federal government have done? If no, why do you think that this was an impossible task?

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Well, I feel it was an impossible task for the government to help former slaves in the South successfully because there were many barriers. To think that they can help the slaves without any issues then they were wrong. First of all, the industries were destroyed in the South so to give the slaves a place to work was difficult and the industries in the North had accommodation for the slaves but the wages can’t be higher for them as they were not very educated and since they were in large numbers, factory owners could change wages according to their wish.